Friday, November 21, 2008

Breathing Exercises


    A 20% reduction in oxygen blood levels may be caused by the aging process and normal breathing habits. Poor breathing robs energy and negatively affects mental alertness. Unless breathing is exercised, aging affects the respiratory system as follows:

    Stiffness: The rib cage and surrounding muscles get stiff causing inhalation to become more difficult. Less elasticity and weak muscles leave stale air in the tissues of the lungs and prevents fresh oxygen from reaching the blood stream.

    Rapid, Shallow Breathing: This type of breathing, often caused by poor posture and weak or stiff muscles, leads to poor oxygen supply, respiratory disease, sluggishness, or heart disease.

    The following exercises are simple ways to deepen breathing and to cleanse the lungs. These exercises will also increase energy and decrease tension.
      Lie flat on your back to get a proper sense of deep breathing. (Have some small pillows available to reduce strain by tucking them under the neck and knees. The natural course of breathing in that position will create a slight rise in the stomach upon inhaling and a slight fall upon exhaling.)

      Place your hands palm down on your stomach at the base of the rib cage. (The lungs go that far down. What fills them deeper is the pushing down of the diaphragm. The diaphragm creates a suction which draws air into the lungs. the air is then expelled when the diaphragm pushes up. In this process, the life-giving oxygen fills the lungs and gets into the blood stream for distribution to the cells. Carbon dioxide is expelled from the blood into the about-to-be exhaled breath, thus cleansing the body and blood of waste products.) Lay the palms of your hands on your stomach just below the rib cage, middle fingers barely touching each other, and take a slow deep breath. (As the diaphragm pushes down, the stomach will slightly expand causing the fingertips to separate somewhat.

      This movement indicates full use of the lungs, resulting in a truly deep breath rather than the "puffed chest" breath experienced by many as the greatest lung capacity. Chest breathing fills the middle and upper parts of the lungs. Belly breathing is the most efficient method. Infants and small children use only this method until the chest matures. The yoga breath or roll breathing combines belly and chest breathing.


      1. Sit up straight. Exhale.

      2. Inhale and, at the same time, relax the belly muscles. Feel as though the belly is filling with air.

      3. After filling the belly, keep inhaling. Fill up the middle of your chest. Feel your chest and rib cage expand.

      4. Hold the breath in for a moment, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible.

      5. As the air is slowly let out, relax your chest and rib cage. Begin to pull your belly in to force out the remaining breath.

      6. Close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.

      7. Relax your face and mind.

      8. Let everything go.

      9. Practice about 5 minutes.

    Follow the instructions for inhaling the COMPLETE BREATH (Steps 1-3 above). Now, as you begin to slowly exhale, make a HUM sound. Keep making that humming sound as long as possible. Pull your stomach muscles in, squeezing out a few more seconds of humming. Then relax. Practice for 2 to 3 minutes.

    A very fine, short (though not shallow) breath exercise comes from the Chinese Tai Chi Chuan. Three short inhales are done through the nose without exhaling. On the first inhale, the arms are lifted from the sides straight out in front at shoulder height. On the second, the arms are opened out straight to the sides while still at shoulder height. And on the third, the arms
    are lifted straight over the head. Then, on the exhale through the mouth, the arms are moved in an arc back down to the sides. Usually, ten or twelve breaths are sufficient and will not cause light headedness. If light headedness should occur, simply stop the exercise. This exercise also has the effect of really opening up people physically. In subtle ways, this exercise uses the body in leading the mind and spirit to greater openness with each other and the environment.

    CAUTION !! Especially for older people: Never do panting or shallow breathing except while seated. Hyperventilation may occur. As long as one is seated, hyperventilation will not be a problem because, even if a brief blackout should occur, the body's automatic breathing apparatus will immediately take over.

Kamasutra: The art of making love

Kama Sutra Positions - Face to face

Position classic and universal, but not for that reason boring, the face to face allows a infinity of variants to make it more attractive and exciting. The mobility of the hands, the proximity of the faces and the comfort of the bodies are the advantages that made it famous. It is not necessary to fear to prove new types of contact during the sex.It is a position that many identify with the love and the romance, the beginnings of a pair, the adolescence... but is worth the trouble to experience it in all the stages of the sexual life and to remove the juice to its advantages.

Kama Sutra Positions - The amazon

The man relaxes and lies down with the legs slightly opened and flexible towards his chest. The erection the delay to her, that one complies squatting conforming itself to the position adopted by him. The woman "feels literally" in the penis of her companion. She must do it slowly. Their thighs will impel all the movement that needs this position, where the penetration occurs in sense arrives-down. Only apt for dangerous spirits and opened minds, "the amazon" is the woman who rides her man of the wildest and primitive way.

Kama Sutra Positions - The arc

Variant of the "Face to face", the arc is a position that, through a small variant, modifies the sensations to the end. The woman remains laid down mouth with open the legs and flexible above, supporting her arms behind shoulders. When his companion is ready to penetrate it, he elevates his hips and he settles on the flexible legs of the companion. The pleasure that it receives centers in the deep penetration and the particularitity to feel all surrounded the vaginal and abdominal zone of the skin of the man. The fatigue that experiences when maintaining the position sees compensated with the power of orgasm that can cause

Kama Sutra Positions - The armchair

This position allows the position that consists of which it feels comfortably in the space that it forms with his body. With the aid of his hands, the man accommodates to his companion in his erection, controlling both the rate and the intensity of the penetration. The legs of her lean smoothly in shoulders of the man, who has his head catched and surrounded in the thighs of his companion. The man can touch clitoris of her to the time that maintains it of the waist with force. The difficulty that resides in approaching the faces and the bold thing of the proposal, turns to "the armchair" a different and extremely sensual position.

Kama Sutra Positions - The deep one

This is a position of total penetration, of there its name. With the high and opened legs, it waits to that his companion introduces the penis in his vagina to wear his legs in shoulders of him, who will support his hands to regulate the movement. To many women she can seem to them complicated, uncomfortable or painful the visualization of this position, but she is worth the trouble to prove it because she offers the absolute penetration and a unique genital contact.The difficulty to kiss and the distance of the faces can widely be exciting for both.

Kama Sutra Positions - The fusion

For this position, the man feels slightly throwing his body backwards and supporting his hands to the flank of the body. The legs can stretch itself according to the comfort that are arranged and the head can be relaxed. The woman, assuming the active roll of the occasion, passes her legs over her companion and back supports her arms of the body. The previous stimulation must be intense, since during the penetration this position prevents the manual approach and the contact of the mouths. The woman marks the rate or an encounter is agreed to penis-vagina with a movement of both towards the center. Of anyone of the two forms, he is essential that clitoris takes advantage of the impacts with the body him. The glance has a fundamental component and the word can be an incredible weapon to enjoy the fusion completely.

Kama Sutra Positions - The hammock

The man is seated (preferredly in a hard surface, not it bed), with the flexed legs and the later part is taken from its knees. This way, it receives the woman who is made penetrate complying in the space that is between the legs of him and her trunk. It presses with the knees the body of his companion, attracts it towards his causing the swing of both while, for example, it kisses the chests to him that are to the height of their face. A unique sensation that remembers the tender one to go and to come from the hammocks of the childhood.


Kama Sutra Positions - The mill vanes

Mouth arrives, the woman tends with the opened legs to receive its companion who, in this position, front penetrates it to the legs of her. The difference of sensations is remarkable in this type of penetration: clitoris and the vaginal lips are in the heat of contact with pelvis and the environs of the penis of the companion and the most accessible penetration are through circular movements. The fact of not being able to see itself expensive face gives a special enchantment him to the position. The newness of the caresses surprises pleasingly: the woman can caress the rumps of her companion, to smoothly nail her nails in the later part to the knees, to grasp the testicles of her companion. The man; to absorb the feet of her, to bite its fingers, to approach its hand the genitals of which they are being fused and to take its penis to penetrate it better.

Kama Sutra Positions - The mirror of pleasing

She lies down of backs. She raises his legs and she leaves him maintains them made kneel at the end of his body and supporting the other arm in the floor. The man penetrates, dominates and has the control. The position allows to vary the sense of the penetration and the opening of the legs. The faces cannot approach and the hands little can do in this position, which generates an anxiety extremely exciting: both bodies run together the race to arrive at orgasm and reflect in the other the most varied gestures.

Kama Sutra Positions - The mold

With the together and gathered legs, the woman tends of flank and backwards relaxes her head while he penetrates it, or by the vagina or the anus (excellent position for anal sex) the movements must smooth and be coordinated and the slow and deep penetration: both bodies are conformed like two perfect pieces of a puzzle... "the mold" is ideal for women who have problems in reaching orgasmo and/or please to cause the friction of clitoris during the sex.

Kama Sutra Positions - The put under one

The man lies down comfortably giving his pleasure to the will of his companion. To take advantage of this game masculine submission can be a stimulating total for both: the encounter can begin with caresses and kisses of her to him, that it always remains in the same position, to finish in the deep penetration that allows the position, where she is placed of backs and controls the movements helping itself of the arms. In addition, the man has an easy access to the anus of his companion, who can reduce the speed of the movements to enjoy the anal stimulus or that her even one touches her chests.


Kama Sutra Positions - The screw

Nothing else recommendable for a woman with difficulties to arrive at orgasmo that the positions that press clitoris while the vagina is penetrated. She lies down in the edge of the bed and tends her legs flexible to a flank of her body (each woman will know which of both sides is to him more comfortable). This allows to maintain clitoris catched between its better allies to arrive at orgasm: the vaginal lips. The woman can contract and relax all the zone, while he in front of penetrates made kneel her and touching his chests.

Kama Sutra Positions - The surprise

This position is ideal for the lovers of the wildest and primitive sex. The man, standing up, takes the woman behind and he penetrates it taking it from the waist. It, relaxes all her body as the gravity until supporting her hands in the floor. The man "surprises" the woman behind and counts the cadence of the sex. For her, the pleasure is concentrated in the angle of fragmentation of the vagina that, to the limited being, causes a sensation of very placentera narrowness for many women. For him, the most powerful sensation expands from glande, that enters and leaves the vaginal opening at will and caresses clitoris in the most audacious exits. In addition, the field of view of the man includes the anus, the buttocks and the highly erogenic back, zones for many. The domination that it exerts and the total relaxation of her can favor the playing of the man with the anus of her: to introduce a finger during the sex can enormously be exciting.

Kama Sutra Positions - The total hug

The pair is standing, undresses and faced. It climbs to her companion up shoulders and embraces her body with the legs. The total hug is part of a passional and creative sex, where the corporal contact is very complete. The rate of the sex can be of two ways: of above downwards or back for ahead, depending on the intensity of pleasure that both experiment with each option.




Kama Sutra Positions - The trapeze

The man above feels like with the open legs and their companion (already penetrated) of him. Taking it from the wrists, it is relaxed backwards until falling completely: she must be super relaxed and given to the force of his companion who attracts his body with his arms causing the necessary attack for the sex.

Ideal to change the routine and to prove new emotions...


Kama Sutra Positions - The wheelbarrow

On the brink of madness the bed and with the supported forearms, the woman is arranged "to be raised" of the legs by the man, who of foot behind her, penetrates maintaining it it of the thighs. The stimulus and the pleasure are concentrated in the genitals of both, but he is the man who takes to the rate attracting the body of her towards his. The variety of movements and sensations that allows the position is amazing: circular, ascending and descendent, with the closed or opened legs.

Kama Sutra Positions - Variant facing face

This classic position also is made with the woman in the dominant position, which is very exciting for many since it substantially modifies the traditional thing in the "Face to face" that is the man on the woman. The man can put his fingers in the anus of her and attract it towards his body with force taking it from the rumps.


Kama Sutra Positions - Variant of medusa

If the man is equipped with flexibility and resistance, this position has a very attractive variant for the lovers of the balance during the sex. Squatting, the man receives the prepared woman to be really ecstasy: their movements can imitate those of a hammock, going of back for ahead with the supported feet affluent in the floor. Of another way, it can remain immovable and to leave her moves until the end.




Kama Sutra Positions - Variant of the fusion

If the man relaxes and supports all his body and the woman gets up itself slightly, the fusion acquires a variant where the penetration is deeper. The rate continues taking it she and the movement that leaves with more facility is arrives-down that the woman must make on her companion. The hands of her can touch the chest of him or take penis as if masturbate to increase the pleasure of both.



Kama Sutra Positions - Variant of the put under one

Another form to prove this position is that the woman extends her body backwards, supports her arms in those of her companion and extends its legs forwards. This way, the man will be able to arrive at his chests with facility and the woman will be able to make circular movements. The penis cannot penetrate so much in the vagina, which can extremely be exciting for both.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pressure points of the body

(A) Heavenly Pillar
Relieves stress, over exhaustion, insomnia, heaviness in the head, eyestrain, stiff necks, swollen eyes, and sore throats.
(B) Heavenly Rejuvenation
Relieves nervous tension and stiff necks; increases resistance to colds and flu. It is also good for the lungs.

(C) Crooked Marsh
Relieves nervous stomach, anxiety, arm pain, elbow pain, and chest discomfort.

(D) Inner Gate
Relieves nausea, anxiety, palpitations, and wrist pain.
(E) Spirit Gate
Relieves emotional imbalances, fear, nervousness, anxiety, and forgetfulness


Monday, November 17, 2008


Fasting is the avoidance of solid food and the intake of liquids only (true fasting would be the total avoidance of anything by mouth). The most stringent form of fasting is taking only water; more liberally, fasting includes the use of fresh juices made from fruits and vegetables as well as herbal teas. All of these limited diets generate varying degrees of detoxification—that is, elimination of toxins from the body. Individual experiences with fasting depend on the condition of the body (also mind and attitude). Detoxification might be intense and temporarily increase sickness or might be immediately helpful and uplifting.

Juice fasting is commonly used (rather than water alone) as a mild and effective cleansing plan; this is suggested by doctors and authors and by many of the European fasting clinics. Fresh juices are easily assimilated and require minimum digestion, while they supply many nutrients and stimulate our body to clear its wastes. Juice fasting is also safer than water fasting, because it supports the body nutritionally while cleansing and probably even produces a better detoxification and quicker recovery.

Fasting (cleansing, detoxification) is one part of the triology of nutrition; balancing and building (toning) are the others. I believe that fasting is the "missing link" in the Western diet. Most people overeat, eat too often, and eat a high-protein, high-fat, rich-food, building and congesting diet more consistently than they need. If we regularly eat a more balanced and well-combined diet, we will have less need for fasting and toning plans, although both would still be required at certain intervals throughout the year.

In a sense, detoxification is an important corrective and rejuvenative process in our cycle of nutrition. It is a time when we allow our cells and organs to breathe out, become current, and restore themselves. We do not necessarily need to fast to experience some cleansing, however. Minor shifts in the diet such as including more fluids, more raw foods, and fewer congesting foods will allow for better detoxification; for a carnivore, for example, a vegetarian or macrobiotic diet will be cleansing and purifying. The general process of detoxification is discussed thoroughly in the General Detoxification program; here we focus on fluid fasting—its history, therapeutic use, benefits, contraindications, and, of course, how to do it, along with other aspects of lifestyle that support fasting.

Cleansing Diet and Healing Diet

Cleansing diet or healing diet ay hindi lamang pangontra sa kanser, mabisang panlaban din ito sa sakit na diyabetes, hika, gout na dulot ng pagkakaroon ng mataas na uric acid, rayuma, pananakit ng katawan, altapresyon o mataas na presyon ng dugo, sakit sa puso, allergies, atbp. Nakatutulong ito nang malaki upang ma-detoxify o tanggalin ang mga toxin sa ating katawan, nang sa gayon ay lubos na gumaling at tuluyan nang mawala ang sintomas at pasakit na dulot ng mga sakit na nabanggit. Ang cleansing diet ay para sa mga taong may malusog na pangangatawan at nais lamang na makaiwas sa sakit, samantalang ang healing diet ay para sa mga taong may karamdaman at gustong gumaling ito. Makabubuting isagawa ang cleansing diet isang beses bawat linggo, samantalang ang healing diet ay tatagal ng dalawang linggo hanggang isang buwan.

Bilang panimula o preparasyon, isagawa ang cleansing diet o healing diet sa pamamagitan ng pag-inom ng 1 litro ng tubig bago matulog sa gabi at kumain ng isang uri ng prutas. Kinabukasan, kumain lamang ng isang serving ng prutas tulad ng mansanas, saging, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe o mga hilaw na gulay tulad ng karot, singkamas sticks, celery stalks, spinach at cucumber na hindi ginagamitan ng dip o dressing. Tatagal ang pagkain ng purong prutas at gulay sa loob ng dalawang linngo hanggang isang buwan para sa healing diet. Kung gusto mo, pwede mo itong kainin nang tulad ng sa salad na walang dressing o kaya ay bilang fruit at vegetable juices.

Sa cleansing o healing diet, ikaw ay kakain ng anim hanggang siyam na beses, dahil makalipas lamang ang dalawang oras, ikaw ay makakaramdam ng gutom. Sa mga diet ding ito, mas mabuti ang kumain ng maraming beses na tig-iisang serving ng prutas kaysa kumain ng tatlong beses na maramihan. Mapapadalas din ang paggamit mo ng banyo upang magbawas (2 - 3 beses sa isang araw). Ito ay dahilan sa ang mga toxin sa loob ng iyong katawan ay inaalis sa pinaka-mabilis na pamamaraan. Makabubuti rin ang pag-inom ng walo (8 ) hanggang sampu (10) 8 ounce na baso ng tubig (preferably distilled drinking water) bawat araw, upang maiwasan ang dehydration.

Sa pagtatapos ng inyong healing diet, makalipas ang dalawang linggo o isang buwan, makabubuting kumain muna ng lugaw o oatmeal o samporado (rice porridge na may tsokolate), bilang preparasyong sa pagkain ng solid food. Ito ay upang hindi mabigla ang inyong tiyan sa pag-tunaw (digestion) ng mga solid food.

Babala: Makakaramdam ka ng pagiging irritable, pagkahilo, di-makatulog at paglabas ng pimples sa iyong mukha. Lahat ng mga ito ay panandalian lamang at makalipas ang isang buwan, ang mga ito ay mawawala rin.

Ang mabuting kalusugan ay nagsisimula sa pagkakaroon ng tamang kabatiran. Ang mga tips na pangkalusugang ito ay makatutulong nang malaki sa ikabubuti ng iyong pangkalahatang kalusugan, lalo na kung gagamitin o isasagawa nang tama. Best Wishes!!!

Sunlight theraphy

In the right hands sunlight is a medicine. Throughout history it has been used to prevent and cure a wide range of diseases, and a few doctors still use its therapeutic properties to good effect. However, at the present time it is widely held amongst certain sections of the medical profession and the population at large that the damaging effects of sunlight on the skin far outweigh any benefits. Public health campaigns reinforce this message in an attempt to curb the annual increase in skin cancers. Any illusions about tanned skin being a sign of health or providing more than minimal protection to further exposure to the sun's rays seem to have been dispelled.

Sunlight may cause skin cancer, but there is also evidence that it could prevent a number of very common and often fatal diseases: breast cancer; colon cancer; prostate cancer; ovarian cancer; heart disease; multiple sclerosis; and osteoporosis. When combined, the number of people who die from these conditions is far greater than the number of deaths from skin cancer; which is why the current bias against sunlight needs, in my opinion, to be redressed.The sun transmits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves: radio waves; microwaves; infrared radiation; visible light; ultraviolet radiation; and x-rays. Only a small amount of the sun's energy reaches us, as most of it is filtered out by the earth's atmosphere, so solar radiation at ground level is composed of visible light, and ultraviolet and infrared waves. Until the latter part of the 19th century it was thought that the 'heat' of the sun -- what we now know to be the infrared rays -- caused sunburn. Then scientists discovered that it is the ultraviolet component of sunlight which causes the skin to tan, and they began to use ultraviolet radiation on skin diseases. They then found that they could get better results with sunlight itself.

Sunlight therapy has a habit of being discovered and then falling from favor, and when this happens it disappears almost without trace, sometimes for hundreds of years. It was very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, but has since seen a dramatic reversal in its fortunes with the result that a great deal of knowledge about the healing powers of sunlight has been ignored or forgotten.

Did you know, for example, that sunlight kills bacteria and is quite capable of doing so even when it has passed through window glass? Also, were you aware that sunlit hospital wards have less bacteria in them than dark wards, and that patients recover faster in wards which admit the sun? As infections actually caught in hospital are now the fourth most common cause of death after heart disease, cancer and strokes, it is worth bearing in mind.

The human race evolved under the sun, and the sun's healing powers have been worshipped for thousands of years. In fact, your forebears were probably better informed about the sun's healing properties than you are: people hold very different views on sunbathing depending on when they were alive and where they happen to live. Take, for example, a typical well-educated resident of Essen or any industrial city in Germany in the 1920s. Let us say he had served in the German army during the Great War, was wounded, and returned home having recovered from his injuries. Someone in these circumstances would have held sunlight in much higher regard than many of us do today. He would probably been aware of the scientific discoveries that had been made about light in the years immediately before the war: in 1903 the Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to the Danish physician, Niels Finsen, in recognition of his success in treating tuberculosis of the skin with ultraviolet radiation.

Then again, during the war, military surgeons may have used sunlight to disinfect and heal his wounds at a sunlight therapy clinic in the Black Forest, or a similar institution in the Swiss Alps. Had he contracted tuberculosis on his return to Germany, sunlight therapy, or heliotherapy as it became known, might have been used to aid his recovery. The physicians who supervised the treatment of his wounds or tuberculosis would have paid very close attention to the way he responded to sunlight and, in particular, how well his skin tanned. In those days, the deeper the tan, the better the cure.

Sunbathing for health in this way required the services of skilled physicians who knew precisely the conditions most favorable for their patients: the best time of day to expose them to the sun; the best time of year; the correct temperature for sunbathing; what foods to give; how much exercise to allow in each case; which type of cloud cover would let enough of the sun's rays through to cause burning and so on. Then, as now, the overriding concern was to prevent burning; but it was the actual process of tanning which dictated the progress of the treatment and whether or not it was successful.

During the 1930s sunbathing was encouraged as a public health measure. Diseases such as tuberculosis and rickets were common in the industrial cities of Europe and North America at this time and it became accepted practice to expose anyone considered susceptible to either of them to sunlight. So the sun was used to prevent disease as well as cure it. Also, architects were introducing sunlight into buildings to prevent the spread of infection because, as we have already seen, it kills bacteria. They designed hospitals and clinics for sunlight therapy and even included special window glass so that patients could tan indoors during bad weather -- ordinary window glass prevents tanning because it acts as a barrier to ultraviolet radiation.

In marked contrast to our German friend of the 1920s, someone living in Britain today would have a very different impression of sunlight and its effects on the human body. The received wisdom is that there is no such thing as a safe or healthy tan, and that a tan is a sign of damaged skin trying to protect itself from further injury. Children and adults are advised to protect themselves from the sun; particularly during periods of sunny weather during the spring and early summer. They are to avoid the sun between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm and protect themselves with T-shirts, hats and sunscreens. As you can see, there has been a complete reversal in thinking on the subject.

Reasons for the current antipathy towards the sun are not hard to find. After the Second World War, improvements in housing and nutrition led to a marked decrease in the incidence of the very diseases which sunlight had been used to treat. When antibacterial drugs such as penicillin and streptomycin became widely available in the 1950s medical practice changed out of all recognition. These new drugs offered the prospect of rapid cures for a wide range of infections, and so the hygienic and medicinal properties of sunlight were no longer considered to be as important as they had been. Sunlight therapy became unfashionable, and was soon relegated to the position of historical curiosity.

More recently there has been a great deal of emphasis on the harmful effects of sunlight. There is now a 'hole' in the ozone layer to worry about, as well as a year-on-year increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Sunlight is undoubtedly a powerful accelerator of skin aging, and can trigger cancer in susceptible individuals but, paradoxically, it is essential to our health. The human body needs sunlight to manufacture vitamin D by synthesizing it in the skin.

The optimal level of vitamin D for health is not known, and so the amount of sunlight exposure needed to perform this vital function is still very much open to question. What this means is that warnings about sunlight being essentially harmful need to be treated with caution. Sunlight may cause skin cancer but, there is evidence that the sunlight could be crucial in preventing a number of diseases that are associated with low levels of vitamin D. Also, relatively little importance has been attached to the influence of nutrition in the genesis of skin cancer. Yet the limited amount of research carried out on the subject shows that what you eat determines how your skin responds to sunlight. The proportion of fat in your diet, together with the vitamin and mineral content of your food, could decide how likely you are to sustain skin damage in the sun.

The medical literature on sunbathing is contradictory: one field of investigation highlights the benefits while another stresses the dangers. One of the more unfortunate developments in modern medicine is a trend towards specialization. In these circumstances it is difficult not to be unduly influenced by the views of experts in one field or another and miss the wider picture. It becomes much more difficult to see the wood for the trees or, rather, the sunlight through the trees.

Indeed, to fully appreciate the beneficial effects of sunlight it is sometimes advantageous to put aside conventional medical thinking altogether and look to other traditions of healing. Sunlight, when used as a medicine, does not lend itself to the western reductionist method of analysis: trying to fathom its therapeutic effects at a molecular level, to the exclusion of all else, may not be the best way to unlock its secrets.

When sunlight has been valued as a medicine, architects have often produced buildings which admitted the sun's rays. But when sunlight is out of favor with doctors, as is the case at present, there is little incentive for architects to make provision for it in their buildings. There has been a tendency for therapeutic properties of sunlight to be held in much higher regard during periods when prevention was considered to be as important as cure. In these circumstances the demarcation between physician and architect was often much less marked than is the case today. In the past, architects were encouraged to have some knowledge of medicine.

During the last thirty years the hygienic and medicinal properties of sunlight have had little influence on the building professions. Where solar architecture has been adopted it has been for the purposes of energy conservation rather than health; even though it has long been recognized that getting sunlight into buildings has a favorable impact on the well-being of occupants.

Sunlight penetration into buildings is now regarded as 'beneficial' or 'desirable' but this aspect of design still receives a relatively low priority. Indeed, the benefits of getting sunlight into buildings, other than psychological, would not be obvious to anyone reading the current literature on building design. As we now spend so much of our time indoors, I believe the advantages of living or working in a sunlit space need to be more widely studied and appreciated than is the case at present.

Sunlight therapy was a medicine of the pre-antibiotic era, when infectious diseases were commonplace and the only defense against them was a strong immune system. Since then, for about fifty years, tuberculosis, pneumonia, septicemia and a host of other potentially fatal illnesses have been kept under control by antibiotics. Unfortunately an increasing number of bacteria are becoming resistant to drugs and there are signs that the development of new antibiotics is falling behind the ability of organisms to adapt and acquire resistance. If matters do not improve, then therapies which increase our natural resistance to disease may receive rather more attention than they have in recent years. The emergence of resistant bacteria may also come to have an influence on building design.

Please note: There are medical conditions which are made worse by exposure to sunlight, and some drugs, such as antihistamines, oral contraceptives, antidiabetic agents, tranquilizers, diuretics and a number of antibiotics, increase sensitivity to the sun. Anyone about to embark on a program of sunbathing should check with their doctor if they are in any doubt about their health or any medicines which they are taking.

Suob for New Mommies

Suob is a ritual of postpartum care performed two to three weeks after childbirth. Prior to the "suob," whole body massages are performed by the midwife "hilot" for 18-21 days after a first-born and for 14 days for subsequent births. The massages last 20 to 30 minutes, twice daily for four days, every afternoon for 4 days, every morning for another four days, then alternate mornings and afternoons for a total of 18 to 21 days. The massages are believed to hasten the mother's return to health and healing of her obstetrical wounds. During these 2 to 3 weeks, bathing, other than sponge baths, is prohibited.

On the 18th day, preparations are started for the ritual of "suob." Nine to ten indigenous herbal ingredients (palad ng buli, payang-payang, sambong, salay, balingway, pakpak-lawin, galamay-amo, balat ng sahi, balat ng buboy, bayabas) are collected and placed in a big wok-like ware, at the center of which is placed an indigenous rock (batong-buhay) of sufficient size for the mother to sit on.

The wok is filled with water and brought to a boil. The decoction is collected and a subsequent boilings are done until there is a sufficient amount for bathing.

The following morning, and only on a sunlit day, the hilot bathes the mother sitting on the "batong buhay" with the decoction collected the previous day. After the bathing, the husband is instructed to collect all the residual herbal ingredients and to place it in a crossroad ("crus ng daan" or the cross of a road).

In the afternoon, the suob procedure is performed. On the same wok, a fire is started and brought to fiery embers. To this is placed "insenso kamangyan" (a combination of chinese incense and a local "tawas" material purchased inexpensively from the local drugstore). Smoke is generated in the process. The mother, wrapped in a loose blanket or duster wear, straddles the wok and catches the smoke into her lower extremities and bare perineal area. After 5 to 10 minutes, the wok with the residuum of the still smoking insenso-kamangyan is taken once around the outside of the house and finally placed in the crawl space of the bedroom (if there is one) or the head of the bed. The ritual is believed to drive away the evil spirits that might impede the mother's full recovery.

Later, a special meal is prepared and shared by the family members with the hilot.


Bintusa is a form of massage therapy used for a variety of musculoligamentous complaints (back pain and muscle strains) or muscle fasciculations and tremors that is often attributed to "too much air" or "bad air" (masamang hangin).

Prior to the bintusa, a diagnostic procedure called "hihilaan" may be done. A strip of cellophane from a pack of cigarettes is smoothed out with coconut oil. This is gently placed on the surface of the affected area and gently pulled, lightly skimming the surface. Where it sticks or gets stuck resisting the pull, is presumed to be the areas afflicted. Coconut oil is applied and a short massage done before the bintusa procedure.

In lieu of the cellophane strip, strips taken from banana leaves or other medicinal plants may be used.

A broad-base cloth wick. usually with a coin serving as base, is saturated with fresh coconut oil, made to stand on the skin and then lit up. A drinking glass is placed upside-down over this lighted wick and pressed firmly onto the skin. As the light extinguishes, a vacuum is produced, the skin and soft tissues inside the glass are drawn upward. The glass is then slid over the involved area producing a cooling and massaging effect. Sometimes the sliding of the glass over the affected area is intolerably painful. In this case, the glass is removed and placed anew on another area. The juice of a fresh garlic clove is applied over the area just massaged to seal the skin and prevent outside air from entering the pores with its unpleasant consequences. The patient is advised not to bathe for 24 hours. The procedure is repeated daily, as often as needed.

List of Medicinal Plants in the Philippines

This list provides common medicinal plants in the Philippines. There are many other Philippine medicinal plants, herbs and trees found in the country but are actually rarely used as herbal medicine. These are the more widely used and popular medicinal plants:

Akapulko (scientific name: Cassia alata) - a shrub known to be a diuretic, sudorific and purgative. The medicinal uses of akapulko are to treat fungal infection of the skin and for the treatment of ringworms. English name: ringworm bush.

Ampalaya (scientific name: Momordica charantia) - a vegetable used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus) it is now commercially produced in tablet form and tea bags. English name: bitter melon and bitter gourd.

Atis (scientific name: Anona squamosa L.) - a small tree used as a medicinal herb. The leaves, fruit and seeds are used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and fainting. English name: Sugar apple and Sweet sop.

Banaba (scientific name: Lagerstroemia speciosa) - a tree found throughout the Philippines. The leaves, roots, fruit and flowers all have medicinal uses. It is used in the treatment of diabetes and other ailments. It is a purgative and a diuretic.

Bawang (scientific name: Allium sativum) - a specie of the onion family. English name: Garlic. It is used to reduce cholesterol in the blood and thus helps lower blood pressure.

Bayabas (scientific name: Psidium guajava) - more popularly known as guava, bayabas is a small tree whose boiled leaves are used as an disinfectant to treat wounds. The decoction is also used as a mouth wash to treat gum infection and tooth decay. The bark is also used in children with chronic diarrhea.

Gumamela (scientific name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) - called China rose or Hibiscus in the West, it is a common ornamental plant in the Philippines. As a medicinal herb, it is used as an expectorant for coughs, cold, sore throat, fever and bronchitis.

Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) - one of the better known of the medicinal plants in the Philippines, lagundi (five-leaved chaste tree) is a shrub with many medicinal uses. It is used for the relief and treatment of coughs, asthma, dyspepsia, worms, colic, rheumatism and boils. The root is known to be an expectorant, tonic and febrifuge.

Luya (scientific name: Zingiber officinale) or Ginger. It is botanically not a root but a rhizome of the monocotyledonous perennial plant. It has many uses as a medicinal herb with antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, diuretic and antiseptic properties.

Niyog-niyogan (scientific name: Quisqualis indica L.) - is a vine that is an effective in the elimination of intestinal worms, particularly the Trichina and Ascaris by ingesting its matured dried seeds. Chew (5 to 7 dried seeds for children or 8 to 10 seeds for adults) two hours after eating. Repeat treatment after a week if necessary. Roasted leaves are also used for fever and diarrhea while pounded leaves are used for skin diseases. English name: Chinese honey suckle.

Oregano (scientific name: Origanum vulgare) - a perennial herb with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Commonly used for cooking in the West, it is used as a medicinal plant in the Philippines. A decoction of oregano leaves is taken internally for the prevention of degenerative arthritis, relief of cough, osteoarthritis, asthma and upset stomach.

Pansit-Pansitan (scientific name: Peperomia pellucida Linn.) - an herb used to treat arthritis, gout, skin disorders, abdominal pains and kidney problems. It is applied to the skin as poultice or as a decoction when taken internally.

Sabila (Aloe barbadensis miller liquid) - one of the most common medicinal plants in the Philippines that can be found in many Filipino homes. It is a succulent plant used to treat burns, cuts, eczema and other disorders. Aloe vera has antiviral, antifungal, antibiotic, antioxidant and antiparasitic properties.

Sambong (scientific name: Blumea balsamifera) - a Philippine medicinal plant used to treat kidney disorders, colds, fever, rheumatism, hypertension and other ailments. As a diuretic, it helps in the excretion of urinary stones. A decoction of leaves is taken internally for treatment. It can also be used as an edema. English name: Blumea Camphora.

Tsaang Gubat (scientific name: Ehretia microphylla Lam.) - a shrub prepared like tea, it is now commercially available in tablets, capsules and tea bags. This medicinal herb is effective in treating diarrhea, dysentery, gastroenteritis and other stomach ailments. It has high fluoride concentration making it a good mouth wash for the prevention of tooth decay. English name: Wild Tea.

Ulasimang Bato (scientific name: Peperomia pellucida) - an annual herb also known as "pansit-pansitan". It is a medicinal herb that is effective in treating gout, arthritis and prevents uric acid build up. A decoction of the plant is taken internally or the leaves and stem can be eaten fresh as salad. To make a decoction, boil a cup of washed chopped leaves in 2 cups of water, simmer for about 15 minutes, strain, let cool. Drink a cup 2 times a day after meals.

Yerba Buena (scientific name: Clinopodium douglasii) - a vine of the mint family, popularly known as Peppermint. Its analgesic properties make it an ideal pain reliever to alleviate the body's aches and pains. A decoction of clean leaves is taken internally or externally as a poultice by pounding the leaves mixed with a little water then applied directly on the afflicted area.

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) - Although not a medicinal plant, VCO is a product of the coconut tree. VCO is one of the more popular alternative medicine widely used in the Philippines today. It is taken internally for various aliments like diabetes to high blood pressure. Topically, VCO is also applied to the skin and scalp to nourish and heal.

Hydro Therapy (Water Theraphy)

WATER THERAPY ( Hydrotherapy)

Just by drinking 6 glasses of water and without spending on medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, Doctor fees, etc. the following diseases will be cured. You can never believe before practicing. Let us see the list of diseases being cured by this therapy.

Diseases cured by Drinking water:
Urogenital diseases
Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension
Hyper acidity
General Paralysis
Rectal Piodapse
Eye diseases
Opthelmic Haemorrhage & Opthalmia (reddish eye)
Irregular Menstruation
Uterine cancer
Pulminory Tuberculosis (T.B.)
Breast cancer
Kidney stones
How does pure water act?

Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as Haematopaises. That the mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by the mucousal fold.

If the colon is cleaned then the nutrients of the food taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucousal folds they are turned into fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health, and for this water should be consumed in a regular pattern.

How to do this water therapy?

Early morning after you get up from bed (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.50 litres of water i.e., 5 ? to 6 ? glasses. Better to premeasure 1.50 litres of water. Let us all know that our ancestors termed this therapy as "Usha Paana Chikitsa". You may wash your face thereafter.
Here it is very essential to note that nothing else - neither drinks nor solid food of any sort - should be taken within 1? hours before and after drinking this 1.50 litres of water.
It is also to be strictly observed that no Alcoholic drinks should be taken the previous night.
If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose. Is it possible to drink 1.50 litres of water at one time?
To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50 litres of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually.
Initially, while practising you may drink four glasses first and the balance two glasses after a gap of two minutes. Initially you may find the necessity to urinate 2 to 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after sometime. By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy within the indicated days as below

Constipation: 1 day
Acidity: 2 days
Diabetes: 7 days
BP & Hypertension: 4 weeks
Cancer: 4 weeks
Pulminory TB: 3 months

It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practise this therapy thrice a day, i.e., morning, midday and night, 1 hours before meals - for one week; and twice a day subsequently till the disease is cured.

We make an earnest request that the above method should be read and practised carefully. By God's grace all should lead healthy life.

Swedish Massage

There are six techniques used in administering Swedish massage. These techniques are the following:

1. Effleurage. Effleurage is the technique most people associate with massage in general and Swedish massage in particular. In doing effleurage, the masseuse makes use of long and sweeping strokes that cover more than just one area of the body. Though it makes the client feel like his muscles are being broken down, the purpose of effleurage is actually to connect one part of the body to the others.

2. Friction. Heat makes the muscles relax and friction is used to make the area to be treated warm up. A masseuse would make use of the friction technique by rubbing the palms of her hands vigorously on the surface of the client’s skin. She can also do this by rubbing her palms together and then laying them on the skin of the client.

3. Petrissage. Petrissage is the act of kneading and squeezing the muscles of the body. Petrissage does not target or focus on any particular part of the body, but the process of kneading the body’s muscles allows for deeper and more penetrating effects of massage.

4. Tapottement. Tapottement are strokes that aim to energize the area of the body that the masseuse is treating. This is done by chopping the area with the sides of the hands. It can also be done by hitting the area being treated rhythmically with cupped or fisted hands. Tapottement is aimed towards energizing the area being treated, yet at the same time making it loosened and relaxed.

5. Traction. Traction involves pulling at the arms and legs of the client, and sometimes also the head. The act of pulling stretches the muscles of the client. Traction is always done as part of the last portion of the massage routine because pulling needs to have the muscles relaxed; otherwise, it would hurt.

6. Vibration. The vibration technique is used by the masseuse to shake up the area of the client’s body that she is treating. This is done by moving the heel of the hand, or sometimes the side of the hand, or even the fingertips, forward and backward across the skin to loosen the muscles of that particular area.


In shiatsu massage, the aim is to remove the obstacles that block the flow of energy through the meridians of the body. It also seeks to restore the balance in this flow of energy. The removal of these obstacles and the restoration of balance in the body are done by pressing the fingers – and at times the elbows, knees and feet – on the acupoints, also known as pressure points, along the meridians of the body. The shiatsu therapist also manipulates the areas adjacent to these pressure points to further stimulate the body’s capacity for healing and to enhance the feeling of wellness.

Conventional western medicine does not have any proof that the meridians through which chi flows actually exist in the body, and so shiatsu and similar healing techniques are treated as complementary medicine. However, just like the other massages and healing techniques derived from acupressure, it is proven that pressing the acupoints in shiatsu helps in stimulating the release of endorphins and energizes the immune system, coaxing the body to fight against disease. Shiatsu can be used to address various health issues, from muscular pain to digestive pain and even emotional pain.

Shiatsu massage can be intense, and so it is not uncommon for patients to find themselves laughing or crying, wanting to shout out or be still, or display other emotions during the treatment. This is taken to be a sign that the energy flow within the body is being restored to the way it should be.

After a session of shiatsu massage, a client should feel a deep sense of calmness, relaxation and contentment. However, he or she should also expect to feel symptoms of cold and flu after the first couple of sessions; it is a side effect of shiatsu that is also taken to be a sign that the body is well on its way into mending.

Sensual Massage

Sensual Massage Preparation

The temperature in the room needs to be comfortable; it is better to have the room too warm than too cool.
Turn down the lights and use several candles throughout the room.
Sensual lingerie is always an eye-pleaser, so use it.
Put on a CD with gentle, relaxing, romantic music.
Floral fragrances like jasmine, vanilla, rose, strawberry, raspberry are considered aphrodisiacs, so use scented candles, scented massage oils, or incense sticks.
Your hands should be warm. Rub oil in the palms of your hands to warm them up before they touch your partner's skin.
The Massage

Start out by lightly stroking your partner's body with the tips of your fingers (start on your partner's back).
Move from one area of the body to another covering shoulders, arms, thighs, calves and buttocks.

When your partner is completely relaxed, begin the sensual massage by making long, gliding strokes over your partner's body.
When you’ve covered the shoulders, arms, thighs, calves and buttocks, switch from long gliding strokes to short deep strokes.
For the deep strokes you need to lightly use your body weight rather than your arm strength, but be gentle.

As you work your way around using short deep strokes, also massage their feet and hands, brush over their buttocks and if you’re massaging a female partner, make sure you gently stroke her breasts.

When you think the time is right, begin working your way very slowly down your partner's legs gliding your hands as you go. Tease your partner by stroking their inner thigh.

When the sensual energy has had time to build, continue the massage with more strokes to the front of the body. Then, ... well, you can take it from there!

Neck Massage

1. Place yourself at your partners head, while they are lying on their back. Oil the front of the body, starting with hands on their upper chest, then move down over the breastbone and back up the sides of the body to the starting position. Place hands on the upper chest, fingers pointing toward each other and press down, gliding the hands out toward the top of the arm.

2. Cradle the head in one hand and turn it slightly toward the right. With the other hand, glide firmly out from the center of the chest to the top of the arm, back along the top of the shoulder, and up the back of the neck to the base of the skull.

3. Make small circles along the back of the neck to release tension, then continue down the side of the neck to the chest. Stroke firmly down the side of the neck and out along the top of the shoulder, stretching the neck muscles.

4. Turn the head back to the center with both hands supporting the head under the neck, and pull gently to stretch out the neck muscles.

5. Turn the head to the opposite side and repeat the sequence for the other shoulder. Return the head to the center and pull gently. Make small, circular movements up the back of the neck to the skull and then stroke up the back of the head and off.

Heat can help relax sore muscles, but it sometimes aggravates inflammation, so use it with caution. Apply heat or ice for 15 to 20 minutes, with a 40-minute rest between applications.

Massage for babies

Below is a step-by-step guide to giving babies a massage.

1. Lay the baby on his or her back and then begin work on the face. With light and gentle strokes, massage the forehead with your fingers going outward to the temples. Afterwards, proceed from the nose to the ears, and then from the cheeks down to the chin.

2. Place your hands on the baby’s chest and rub your hands upward and then going outward to the arms.

3. Stroke the baby's belly, around the navel in particular, in a clockwise direction. After that, gently wring the baby’s belly and work your way upward.

4. Raise the baby's arm and stroke it with both hands from the shoulder to the wrist. Squeeze the baby’s hand and then rub the palm with your thumb. Remember to rub and rotate each finger.

5. Wring the baby's legs, one at a time, and then squeeze each leg starting from the ankle to the thigh. As you go back down to the ankle, make the return stroke as feather-light as possible.

6. Gently lay the baby on his or her stomach and begin stroking the back. As with the chest, move your hands upward and then out towards the arms. Knead the shoulders lightly.

7. Massage the baby’s buttocks by pinching or kneading.

8. Lightly rub your hands along the spine of the baby, starting from the neck to the tailbone.

9. Glide your fingers along the legs. To massage the baby's feet, bend the leg at the knee and clasp the ankles. Slowly rotate the foot, and then rotate and pull at the toes. Squeeze the baby’s heel and then rub your thumb along the arch and sole. Repeat these with the other foot.

10. End the massage by letting your fingers glide from the baby’s head, down to the toes.

Massage is good for the baby's well-being. If you do this to your baby on a regular basis, you will find it an enjoyable way to bond with your baby. However, always remember to keep your touch on the baby’s skin gentle and feather-light. Warm your hands first before starting the massage. The baby may squirm a lot so you just have to keep patient with him or her. If the baby is showing discomfort at what you are doing, just end the massage. Avoid doing this if the baby is a little feverish, because massage may make the fever worse, or if the baby has just eaten.

Foot Massage

Make your partner bare his or feet and sit back on a reclining chair. Have your partner soak his or her feet in the basin of lukewarm water that you will provide. Make sure that the water is not too hot. If you have some essential oils, mix in a couple of drops with the water to make it nicer. Let your partner soak his or her feet for ten minutes, doing nothing but sitting there with his or her eyes closed.

After soaking, dry your partner’s feet one at a time. Then place a foot on your lap and just wrap your hands around the foot for a few minutes. This is to warm the foot and establish rapport between you and your partner. When you feel that your partner’s foot is warm enough, put a few drops of oil on your hands and rub them together. With your hands oiled and warm, rub the sole of the foot with your thumbs in a circular pattern, starting from the heel, up the arch and to the base of the toes.

Follow through the strokes of your thumb by making a fist of your hand and pressing the knuckles against the sole of your partner’s foot. Once again, start from the heel, up the arch and then to the base of the toes.

Do not forget to pay some attention to the toes of your partner. Carefully pull and tug at each toe. After doing this, lay the foot on your lap, plant your thumbs on its surface and then dig your fingers into the soles of the foot, going from heel to the base of the toe.

As a final touch, gently stroke the top of the foot with your fingertips and then dry the foot. Repeat the entire process with your partner’s other foot.

Your partner will certainly love the foot massage you will give him or her. Urge your partner to learn how to do it so he or she can treat you to a foot massage too.

Facial Massage

Facial massage starts with the cleansing of the face. The skin of the face is exposed to warm steam, which then opens the pores of the skin. Using a gentle cleanser and other tools, the therapist cleans away the dirt and makeup off of the face. She may also use other tools to slough off blackheads and whiteheads.

Once the skin is cleansed, moisturizer is applied to the face to reduce the friction that would otherwise irritate facial skin. The type of moisturizer that the therapist would use depends on the skin type of the client’s face. Thick and heavy moisturizer is applied to dry facial skin; on the other hand, only light moisturizer is applied to oily facial skin. Sometimes, the application of moisturizer is skipped for people with extremely oily skin.

The facial massage routine that therapists typically use:

1. The hands are cupped around the head. In this, the thumbs would be placed on the forehead while the fingertips are at the temples. Using the thumbs, short vertical strokes are applied to the forehead, first to the line just above the eyebrows, and then moving upward to the hairline.

2. Light pressure is applied between the eyebrows using the thumbs. The thumbs then crawl along the center of the forehead towards the direction of the hairline.

3. Circular movements are made with the fingers on the temples, working from the temples down to the side of the face, until the fingers reach the jawbone and then the chin.

4. A line is traced with the fingertips from under the cheekbones to the temples.

5. Another line, like a mustache, is drawn using the fingertips from the upper lip towards the temples. Once the fingertips reach the temples, a circle is drawn there once or twice.

Facial Massage

Facial massage starts with the cleansing of the face. The skin of the face is exposed to warm steam, which then opens the pores of the skin. Using a gentle cleanser and other tools, the therapist cleans away the dirt and makeup off of the face. She may also use other tools to slough off blackheads and whiteheads.

Once the skin is cleansed, moisturizer is applied to the face to reduce the friction that would otherwise irritate facial skin. The type of moisturizer that the therapist would use depends on the skin type of the client’s face. Thick and heavy moisturizer is applied to dry facial skin; on the other hand, only light moisturizer is applied to oily facial skin. Sometimes, the application of moisturizer is skipped for people with extremely oily skin.

The facial massage routine that therapists typically use:

1. The hands are cupped around the head. In this, the thumbs would be placed on the forehead while the fingertips are at the temples. Using the thumbs, short vertical strokes are applied to the forehead, first to the line just above the eyebrows, and then moving upward to the hairline.

2. Light pressure is applied between the eyebrows using the thumbs. The thumbs then crawl along the center of the forehead towards the direction of the hairline.

3. Circular movements are made with the fingers on the temples, working from the temples down to the side of the face, until the fingers reach the jawbone and then the chin.

4. A line is traced with the fingertips from under the cheekbones to the temples.

5. Another line, like a mustache, is drawn using the fingertips from the upper lip towards the temples. Once the fingertips reach the temples, a circle is drawn there once or twice.

Breast Massage

Breast massage can be tricky because breast tissues are quite delicate. However, if done properly and with exerting only moderate pressure, massaging the breasts are perfectly safe. Not only does massaging the breasts make them firmer, it also makes them healthier and aids in maintaining the balance of hormones in a woman’s body. The procedure is also quite simple.

A woman can massage her own breasts, but she can also have someone else do it for her. Naturally, this procedure requires baring the breasts and so it must be done in a private place. The woman can perform the massage lying or sitting down, whichever is more comfortable for her.

To avoid friction and discomfort, the lubrication of massage oil on the skin is also necessary. The application of the massage oil onto the breast is the first stage of the massage. The oil is applied in circular movements on the breast, with the direction going from the center of the chest towards the underarm area. Take care that only light pressure is exerted on the breast.

The second step to massaging the breast is done after the breast is fully covered in oil. The breast is to be kneaded gently by lifting it from the chest and pressing delicately with both hands. Alternately, with both hands holding the breast, the flesh should be twisted and wrung very gently.

After this, as the third step, the giver of the massage should try to scoop the fibers of the breast with utmost gentleness using the flat of the fingertips. The strokes should be done clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

As a last step, the flesh of the breast should be stroked and smoothened, with the direction of the fingertips going from the center away towards the side. This is the cooling down phase of the massage. When this is done, repeat all the steps on the other breast. The receiver should drink plenty of water afterwards.

Breast massage can be uncomfortable or even painful. This is why it is so important to exert only minimal pressure when massaging the breasts.

Massaging the breasts, however, is good for promoting their health and for giving it a firm and beautiful appearance.

Back rubbing massage

You might feel most comfortable kneeling astride or standing alongside your partner.

* Your partner might find that quite a bit of nervous tension disappears after you begin with the long strokes of the back massage.

* You might find that up to a third of the time spent on a massage will be spent on the back. I doubt any of us will complain.

* The back muscles are usually massaged in three groups. A successful back rub will cover all three groups.

* The long muscles that run parallel to the spine.

* The flat muscle groups that cover the top of the back and lower neck.

* The wide band of muscles that stretches from the lower spine to the pelvis.


Since this is a back massage, make your partner lay on his or her stomach. If you have a massage table at home, that would be awesome, but the bed or the couch will do as long as it is firm and your partner would be comfortable laying there.
Rub some massage oil in your hands to warm them up. Then, using both hands, apply massage oil to your partner's back and make firm strokes from the lower back up to the neck. Trace a circular path on your partner's back with your hands when you return your hands to the lower back.
Press the heels of your hands to the lower back of your partner, one at each side of the spine, and move them in a circle starting from the lower back, coming upward to the center of the back and then outward until you get your hands back to your starting position. Slowly move your strokes upward until you reach the shoulders.
With your fingertips, and with one hand lying on top of the other, press against the muscles of the back on the side opposite where you are standing. This means that if you are standing to the right of your partner, press to the left side of his back. Gradually move from the lower back to the shoulders, and then repeat on the other side.
Using firm and deliberate pressure, let your thumbs travel the length of both sides of the spine, moving towards the shoulders, then returning to the lower back. Find the knots and the bunched up spots on the area being covered.
Using your forearms this time, apply pressure to the lower back, and then rub your arm that is closer to your partner’s head towards the lower end of the shoulder blades.
While performing the massage thus far, you may have noticed some knots and bunched up spots on your partner’s back, or he/she may have told you about particularly painful areas on his/her back. Press your thumb on each painful spot until the pain lessens or disappears.
Repeat steps 2 to 4, and then lightly tap your fingertips along your partner's back. Afterwards, give your partner a glass of water or two and then leave him or her to rest and relax

How to prepare for a massage session

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a massage.

* Lock the door and unplug the phone.

* Be sure you have the time to spend with your partner. A massage is not the type of experience you want to rush.

* Turn down the light. The lighting should be soft and indirect. Candlelight is perfect. Even natural sunlight shining through a window in the afternoon is terrific.

* You might want it quiet. Although I think we all like Barry White and other soft sensual music, you might prefer a quiet room. This will help you feel and hear what your partner enjoys.

* You will want the room to be warm. Almost 80 degrees will allow a naked partner to be comfortable.

* Make sure your hands are warm. You can accomplish this by rubbing them together thoroughly or by taking a bath together.

* Cleanliness. Although it isn't essential to be clean before a massage, your partner will certainly be more relaxed if they are clean. This massage will involve every area of the body including such places as behind the ears and between the toes. Be sure your partner will be comfortable by taking a bath. You might also make sure that your fingernails are clean and trimmed neatly (not necessarily short, just neat).

* Aroma. A nice scented candle will provide the warmth, light, and scent that will set the mood. Women might prefer a lighter, more floral scent (rose or jasmine might be appropriate). Men might prefer a more rugged, woodsy scent like cedar or sandalwood.

* You will want to give a massage on a flat, firm surface. A firm mattress is acceptable, using pillows on the floor is good too. A massage table is best, but not everyone has one of these.

* The massage receiver should prepare like they are preparing for bed. They might want to remove their contacts, their makeup, and have their teeth brushed. They are about to experience something special and might want to sleep or make love (or both) afterward.